Uh hey! Just realized I haven't done one of these for a months or so! Since November I think? God, it's been a solid minute and the world has kinda gone to shit and a lot of other stuff, but I continue to march onward and make things kinda just whenever I feel like it. It'd probably be best to say a hearty "hello!" to all of the new folks that walked in, and a loud "THANK YOU" to all the people that viewed, voted, and favorited my work! Got front-paged which was super cool, and was honestly like the highlight of the month last month! It means a lot that people like seeing my stuff, and I'm excited to make more things to put here!
There's not much to really update on, other than I have things waiting in the wings for work and such, and I've tossed my metaphorical hat into a view reanimated projects that aren't close to being out yet, but some of my contributions are done so I'm just waiting on those! Will hand out updates like candy cigarettes when the time comes for those! From what I've seen, there's gonna be a lot of cool stuff to see in all of them!
In the meantime, I'm working to continue making stuff just whenever I feel like it I guess! I have a couple different animation project ideas, but a lot of them are either too ambitious or too stupid to see the light of day, at least for now! Maybe I'll make a short dumb thing soon just to test the waters. Probably something spiderman related, idk. Oh yeah I also have a webcomic thing I definitely want to make at some point ... though idk if that will get posted here or somewhere else. Webcomics are weird.
Was that it? I think that was it. Thanks again for looking at my stuff and being interested in the things I do! I like doing this stuff and I like that people also like it and yeah. Ending these sorts of things are a mental challenge for me so I'm just gonna say the first word that comes to mind and be done.